Written by Tana M. Fye So your child got into a fight? Or stole something? Or ran away from home? Or is smoking marijuana? Now(more…)

Category: juvenile
Lawyers Need to Be GALs for Juveniles
Written by Tana Fye I applaud G. Michael Fenner’s position taken on lawyers v. non-lawyers acting as Guardians ad Litem for children in juvenile cases.(more…)
Written by Tana Fye For only the second time, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear a case involving the Indian Child Welfare(more…)
Written by Tana Fye For only the second time, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear a case involving the Indian Child Welfare(more…)
Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems
Written by Tana Fye I wrote an article that was published on the Through the Eyes of the Child Initiative’s website. Here’s the link. Please feel(more…)
Correcting Misconceptions about Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems
Written by Tana Fye I wrote an article that was published on the Through the Eyes of the Child Initiative’s website. Here’s the link. Please(more…)
Juvenile Law: Nebraska v. South Dakota
Written by Tana Fye As an attorney who was first licensed in South Dakota, and who practiced there before moving to Nebraska, I grew accustomed(more…)
Juvenile Law: Nebraska v. South Dakota
Written by Tana Fye As an attorney who was first licensed in South Dakota, and who practiced there before moving to Nebraska, I grew accustomed(more…)