Below is a list of the posts on the Fye Law Office blog on the topic of criminal law. This information does not constitute legal advice, but is instead general educational information. If you would like specific legal advice for your situation, please give us a call to discuss the particular facts of your matter.

Simplifying Terms: Criminal Cases

What to Do and Not Do When Stopped for DUI

Police Encounters

Oh No! My Loved One Was Arrested…What Do I Do?

Who’s Who?! Simplifying the Roles of People Involved in Court

My Kid Got In Trouble…Now What?

8 Tips for a Successful Working Relationship with your Lawyer

Guilty, Not Guilty, No Contest…What do they mean?

What is a Preliminary Hearing? And what do I need to know about it?

Prosecutors Reading Inmate/Lawyer E-mails

Correcting Misconceptions about Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Exceptional Pardon Hearing Change (South Dakota specific)

Exceptional Pardons & Expungement of Convictions (South Dakota specific)

You Have the Right to Remain Silent

Walk the Line & I Don’t Mean Johnny Cash

Expungement in South Dakota